Monday 11 April 2011

Degree Vs Masters?

I have nearly completed a BSc degree in Business Information Systems and I am unsure of what to do next?
Does have a masters under your belt really make all the difference or do people merely choose to do a masters in order to "buy time"..

As I am interested in the whole web content side of computers, I discovered the MSc in Interactive Media is a course I would be very interested in... only a year long, if it allowed me to pursue the career I want surely its worth the time.  However, If I can obtain these jobs with a BIS degree i just wasting time considering the masters?

Huntington Beach - Surf City

Heading to Huntington Beach for the summer with the aim of working in some low pressure industry, preferably outside so I can just enjoy the summer.  Does this type of job even exist?

Originally I thought perhaps I should apply for internships related to my computer course, i'd certainly make more money.. but this is the only j1 i'll go on so I decided to just enjoy myself.

When I get back the question is.. do i do a masters or work?

Sunday 27 March 2011

New Business Models

As I try to complete an assignment on creating a new business model, I begin to think are we running out of ideas?  As Pepsi continue to follow one step behind Coca-Cola, I think what does Coca-Cola have that gives them the competitive edge: a more efficient business model, more appealing packaging, more reasonable pricing, more attention grabbing advertisements? Or is it just reputation at this stage?

As I try to brainstorm new ideas for a new business model... I cant help but find some version of every idea has been used already.. though ecomm, mcomm and social media become increasingly popular, they seem to just assist new business models not create them....  Are we running out of fresh, new ideas for innovation?